vineri, 10 iunie 2011

Graphic Design: The illustrated method

Adobe Illustrator is the perfect tool for creating art illustrations, since it's designed from the ground up for drawing smooth, clean lines with simple flat fills.The fact that every element is a separate editable object makes it easy to apply different fills and strokes to them, and to charge these values at a later point.It's also possible to repurpose artwork created in Illustrator.This means  that if, for example, you've produced a complex illustration, like the one shown in workthrough one, you can reuse the illustration elesewhere with comparative ease.

Illustrations have far more clarity than photographs, and can be reproduced far smaller without loss of information.This is why technical manuals always use line art illustrations rather than photographs, even though, like here, they will almost certainly have started with photographic images, which were then traced.When producing these illustrations, you don't have to worry about clean backgrounds, professional photographic lighting or even dirty fingernails.You just need to get the raw image into illustrator, so that you can produce the perfect illustration from it.

When drawing over a photograph, the problem, initially, is that the drawings will cover the image to such an extent that you may no longer be able to see what you're trying to reproduce.It's possible to get around this problem by lowering the opacity of the objescts as you draw them, using the Transparency palette- you can always return them to their full strenght later om

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